Sunday, February 10, 2019

Handling the Brain Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Handling the Brain The initial premise of this web front was to determine what differences, if any, were known to exist in the oral sex of the ambidextrous individual. An veridical classification of ambidexterity seems to have been all but eliminated, while the write up of the term, handedness, has become increasingly muddled. Beyond superstitions and mysticism, in its earliest history an individuals favoritism of the left or right hand proved fundamental mainly to those clinicians who utilized this physiologic clue of handedness as an indicant of brain lateralization (2). Lateralization in general refers to the concept that a given function is controlled preferentially by one side of the brain or body (5). Brain lateralization further implicates the functional strength of the two cerebral cerebral hemispheres - the left and right - which may be diaphanous in the localization of neural mechanisms for particular functions (3). The corpus callosum serves as the physical and f unctional connection between these two cerebral hemispheres. Each hemisphere receives sensory information and controls movement on the side of the body diametral its location. An intact corpus callosum insures communication between the two hemispheres to build a full understanding of actions and perception. In certain extreme cases of severe epileptic raptuss a split-brain operation is necessary, severing the corpus callosum, which serves to greatly reduce seizure frequency but leaves the cerebral hemispheres to function virtually independently (6). handedness then, has come to be considered - not merely the hand you favor for makeup - but rather a possible indication of hemispheric delivery specialization. It was the French neurosurgeon, Paul... ... Interaction by John Gregory Hibbard http// http// and Brain Lateralization http// primate/brain.html4)Scientific America n Ask the Experts Biology http// Evolution of Lateralization and a use in Language http// the Human Brain by Paul Pietsch http// Memory Power and Mindfulness - Ambidexterity Develops http// get on Investigation 8)TRY IT Hemispheric Specialization http// brain / rectify Brain http//

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