Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Battle between operating systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Battle between operating systems - Essay Example (White, 2011) Fast forward 5 years and we witnessed the release of the iPhone 4S in October last year, with cumulative sales in excess of 183 million units. Currently Apple holds 15% market share globally. The latest model of the iPhone is the 4S which is essentially looks the same as the previous model the iPhone4 (released June’10) but feature wise is much more powerful. The 4S has the better A9 1 GHz dual core processor compared to the single core A8 processor, an improved camera, 8mp over 5 mp, and a natural voice command service called the Siri. The 4S also features the capability to record video in 1080p FullHD quality, compared to the 720p HD quality of the iPhone 4. iPhone 5 is still under development and the rumor mill is running high regarding the design and specs of the new gadget. (GSMArena Team, 2011) Coming to the iPhone iOS, it offers a user experience which creates ‘sticky’ customers i.e. they find it difficult to switch to other companies. With propriety services such as Siri, iCloud and iMessage along with an access to iTunes and the AppStore, the iPhone users have now become a bunch of dedicated loyal customers accustomed to the particular interface which the others do not offer. Furthermore with the presence of other products such as the iPad, iPod, Mac and Apple TV, Apple is trying hard to integrate them as much as possible. This will further help in retaining customers. As far as the support services are concerned, Apple provides an online support service to tackle with any technical problems, other than that there is the option of checking the online forums for support, as there is a dedicated number of online users ready to provide assistance to others. The reason why Apple may succeed in the battle of the OS is because it has a loyal number of consumer base available to them. The iOS has now become synonymous with ease of use and customer

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