Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis of the nevada constitution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Analysis of the nevada constitution - Term Paper Example The state has its own designated political powers just as the federal U.S. government, which allows them to monitor each others performance in the state, for the sake of the state’s operations and in defense of the public will. Along the past century, the state has adjusted some of its policies, hence affecting the political, governance, and the judicial system in various ways. However, looking critically at Nevada’s and USA constitution, there are similarities and differences in practical application of the policies and operations, especially those related to democracy and supreme powers in the judicial system, executive, and legislative arms. 2. Powers of Nevada’s governor compared to the president The governors in Nevada are elected and given responsibilities to perform in the state for a four year term. Article 5, sections 1 and 2 of Nevada constitution law provides that the governor be elected by qualified electors, while voting for members of the legislatur e and once in office, takes the supreme executive power of Nevada state vested on him or her as chief magistrate (â€Å"The constitution of ,† Looking at the executive and administrative powers, the president of the national system of governments has of course more power than the Nevada governor. However, in consideration of the Nevada’s constitution, the governor may enjoy certain legislative advantages that the president could be restricted from, by the congress and the state constitution. According to Driggs, the first benefit as enacted by the Nevada law is that once the legislature passes a law, the governor alone is responsible to ensure they are executed without interference from Congress or national chief executive; again, the state’s constitution states that the governor has the power to convene the legislature, hence associated with more control over a special session, which they may call to the attention of the legislature while in s ession, limiting the president control and the influence he or she can cause on the congressional affairs in a session (98). It does not mean the president has no power to call a special session, but is limited from interference of the business the congress is handling at the time in a session. The governors are held accountable to uphold the state’s law, but they also have powers sign into law, the bills passed by the state legislature. However, certain bills have remained unapproved and others can become law without the governor’s signature, especially when the legislature can override the veto. In Nevada, the governor has options of either vetoing bills, signing them, or doing nothing (an option that makes them pass into law without his or her signature); if the governor vetoes a law and its taken back to the house, the elected members of each house have the law either approved by overriding the veto by accumulating two thirds of each house vote or have the veto sus tained (Legislative Counsel Bureau, Similarly, just like the Nevada governors, the president has constitutional rights to sign, veto, or do nothing as a response to a bill passed by the congress. In case of vetoing, the congress can enact it into law by raising two thirds of majority votes in the two chambers to override the veto, or the bill dies, if the congress suspends it before ten days completion after the passage of the bill (CQ

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